The Best Friends of Captain America

A look at Sam Wilson and Bucky

Nicole Maharaj


Photo by Tomas Lundahl on Unsplash

The world has changed a lot for the man built to be a soldier. Captain America, otherwise known as Steve Rogers struggled to figure out his place in the world after coming out of the ice and landing in the modern world. It’s not really surprising that he would leave everything for the chance to be with the woman he loved. Of course, there’s plenty of people he left behind, most importantly his best friends from different eras.

Sam Wilson aka Falcon

I’ve always loved the second movie in the Captain America franchise. The Winter Soldier. Within the film we see Steve form a friendship with another soldier that’s struggling to join the real world, after the war. It is interesting that after Steve loses everything and finds everyone an enemy he turns not to the Avengers but to Sam. I think this is important because it shows that even though Steve is willing to fight at the side of Tony Stark, he is wary of going to him for assistance. Sam for his part, shows no problem in fighting alongside Captain America and Black Widow.

The fact that he has wings is a whole different level to warfare. I was always curious as to why The Falcon program was initiated. Sam and Steve initially bonded over the fact that they both lost a brother in arms. It is no…



Nicole Maharaj

I bleed out my soul in my writing, in these pages you will find poems and short stories fantastical in nature and completely fictional. And some reviews too!