The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself This Holiday Season

It’s something we all need - yet rarely get…

Michele Thill


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

It’s that time of year…again. Time just seems to be flying by, does it not? As I drive in my neighborhood, the twinkling lights on the houses are a reminder that we are almost done with 2023.

And before it closes out there will be a whirlwind of activities and though many will be joy filled, it can also feel overwhelming.

Can you relate?

As I look at this month, I want to share one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. It’s a gift that doesn’t cost anything yet is priceless.

Any guesses?

It’s a gift we all need yet we rarely get. We are just too busy. It’s so beneficial, especially this time of year as the holiday season goes hand in hand with stress. And don’t forget it’s also cold and flu season.

The gift I speak of is the gift of rest.

“Yeah — that would be great…but there’s no time.” You say with a sigh…

I’m inviting you to make time this season to take care of yourself, just like you do for everyone else. We look to create those perfect moments and those unforgettable memories and this can lead to exhaustion, both physically as well as mentally.



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