The Best Life is One of Harmony

Keith Kelley
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2023


Three parts that enhance and amplify life

The beauty and harmony of a Palladian bridge and nature-Source Wikimedia Commons

It’s not new advice to be urged to find balance in life. Often, it is directed at an equitable allocation of time between work activities and family and friends.

That’s good advice and shouldn’t be ignored.

Work can be a source of value and pride and provide the means for improving our circumstances, but when I shirk loved ones and others of importance, it can be destructive for them and me.

But even if I balance work, family, and friends, is that enough for the good life?

No. Two other aspects are necessary.

And balance between all parts is vital for the best life.

The Need for Something More

Plenty of people have jobs they like and satisfactory lives with family and friends. But few would claim those are sufficient for the good life.

For some, it’s a great vacation. For others, it’s an inner focus through meditation, religious prayer, or practicing moments of self-awareness and attention. Still, others find pleasure in the creativity of a hobby.

Work/personal life balance is not enough for the good life for most people.





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Keith Kelley
Keith Kelley

Written by Keith Kelley

Writing about travel, philosophy, and spirituality and how our experiences and insights can make us better people.

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