The Best Stories of Joe Luca on Illumination

Joe Luca
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2020


From a very reliable source …. Me

Image from Pixabay

On June 24, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz wrote an article asking that writers edit their own collection of “best stories” and tell the readers a little more about them and us at the same time.

Writing on Illumination has been liberating. But as with many forms of liberation, there are moments just after release when there’s caution and anxiety. In this context, how will the stories be received? Will the ideas reach their intended target or take flight, heading south for the winter? Will the readers return?

But those who visit Illumination are a charitable group and a tolerant one as well. They come to learn, to enjoy, to revel in the joy of words that others are actively creating. I feel safe here and that my friends, is essential. In a safe environment, writers flourish. And thankfully, I am one of them.

I’ve selected four of my stories for this article. Mostly because they were written when I was in a particularly philosophical mood. Like being in the top most point of a lighthouse, with the world fully visible from every angle. I enjoy being in this space, where the world and all that goes on within it, is not actively circling my head, but remaining at a distance. To be viewed and assessed and only later, allowed to return to its former position.



Joe Luca

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.