Revitalize Your Marriage: Unlock the Power of a Perfect Morning Routine!

Divine Marriage
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2023
Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

How would you view your marriage if you were the best version of yourself? The happiest, most productive, energetic, and fulfilled version of yourself?

If you showed up from that place more consistently, your marriage would look and feel significantly different. However, most people are missing out on the best years with their spouse because of one simple thing — they sabotage their physiology.

Your physiology — how your physical body works and functions — drastically impacts how you view the world.

When you enhance your physiology, you immediately impact your mind. When you enhance your physiology first thing in the morning — you set the pace for your entire day.

This strategy isn’t new. It’s called priming, and happy people have been doing this for millennia. I’ve been experimenting with priming for the past ten years, and here are a few of my favorite techniques to start the day right!

Technique 1: Sun Exposure

Whatever you do in the morning, increase your light exposure. The best thing to do is get out of the house, but if it’s dark where you are, turn on as many lights as you can. This may seem like a small change, but it significantly impacts your physiology — regulating your sleep-wake cycle, enhancing your mood, and triggering vitamin D synthesis.

I’ve found going for a walk outside improves my attitude much more than solely working out in my home gym. It’s added so much value that I make getting outside a top priority

Technique 2: Body Movement

Movement is essential at any time of day. By prioritizing it first thing in the morning, you send a powerful message to your subconscious that you are a physically healthy person and that you get things done!

Many people mistakenly think an extra 10 minutes in bed will give them more energy. However, the truth is that movement and exercise are proven to increase your energy and alertness. It stimulates the release of endorphins and mood-boosting chemicals. In the past, I’ve alternated between going for a hike, jogging, and yoga.

However, you do it, move. I’ve found that doing activities that I enjoy is critical for mood-enhancing effects.

Technique 3. Practice Breathwork

Any type of breathwork can lead to increased awareness and improved health. I choose to start my days with the Wim Hof breathing technique.

This technique has been highly studied in clinical laboratories and is proven to:

  1. Enhance Immune Response
  2. Improve Stress Response
  3. Increase Energy and Alertness
  4. Enhance Mental Focus and Clarity
  5. Improved Autonomic Nervous System Control

In the past, I’ve had some autoimmune issues that affect my daily life. Those seem to go away when I practice this breathing technique. I also like feeling increased clarity and alertness, making this technique critical for starting the day and overcoming that mid-day slump.


Finding powerful ways to enhance your physiology can drastically increase the energy, creativity, and clarity that you bring to your marriage.

Instead of losing out on enjoying your spouse now, you can be fully present in the moment.

Good physiology puts you in a place where you can appreciate nuances, think beyond yourself, and approach situations with resourcefulness.

Bad physiology puts you in a place where you’re annoyed by differences, can’t think past yourself, and are unresourceful in problem-solving and conversation.

Anyone can succeed at this.

It just takes a small commitment upfront to prioritize your morning routine!

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