The best time to Read and Write is to get Valuable Output.

The precious time for readers and writers

Soubhagya Sahu
3 min readNov 10, 2021


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

We often neglect writing and reading. Everyone does. You have to make a habit of reading and writing.

Most entrepreneurs write daily and make a book out of it. You can write a book in a year by writing daily for 15 minutes.

Most people initially hate to write or reading but after some when they got so much value, knowledge and attention, they loved it.

Both of the skills, you have to build over time, slowly and steadily.

Like when you want to wake at 4 am after putting your alarm at 4 am, you will not wake up at 4 am, you might be wakeup that day.

But gradually your body will want to go to the comfort zone once again. You just have to build habits over time. Doing regularly.

Like waking up, writing and reading also can be formed by reading and writing consistently.

Read a paragraph or a page at least, then write what you think and learn from that paragraph.

It just takes 30 minutes to do, but your body won’t allow you to do it. You have to be habitual.

There is a specific time to get the most benefit from a book or reading anything and writing.

Morning is best and night is worse. Let me explain;

When you wake up in the morning, you don’t have a problem, you don’t have to make any decision.

Your mind is active and ready to absorb things and write something. That’s why morning is the best time to read and write.

At night, after you get back from your work or school or anything. Your mind will be filled with what you have listened to and talked about on the day.

You and your mind will most probably be tired and you don’t have enough energy to think about something.

Your mind will not work and you aren’t able to do anything.

Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and many CEOs and founders of big companies do their most important meeting in the first few hours, where their minds will be most active than any time.

That’s why morning is the best time to do creative works where you have to think and make a decision about something.

I often read in the morning for 30 to 35 minutes, when I first started I only read one page. Then doing that multiple times I become gradually able to maximize my time.

At night I listen to audiobooks or podcasts or read a very light book or watch something interesting. (movies, tv shows, youtube videos, etc.)

It depends on the energy I have at that moment.

Final thoughts:

It’s your choice and ability whether you’re more comfortable in morning or night, writing and reading are built over time by doing multiple times. Let me know your opinion on this.

