The Best Way to Protect Yourself You Should Know

Not physical damage, but mental and spiritual

5 min readJul 7, 2024


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

In the journey of life, we will face various embarrassing situations, which are sometimes harder to avoid than bullets.

If you don’t know how to avoid and protect yourself, you may be hurt. Learning to protect yourself is the best way out.

Whether it is work or life, each of us is our own best guardian.

If you want to avoid being hurt, you must learn to be self-reliant and learn to protect yourself.

Only in this way can we avoid being hurt and live a better life.

Below I will share three ways of self-protection that I think are effective.

Don’t have expectations

As the saying goes, “Because of expectations, there will be hurt.

I agree with this.

Especially in the handling of interpersonal relationships, expectations often turn into actual harm.

We always have high expectations of others, and when expectations are not met, it is inevitable that we will be hurt.

Jack and Bruce were good friends for four years in college, and they had a very good relationship during the four years of college.

After graduation, the two went their separate ways due to work, but they still kept in close contact with each other.

At the end of the party, Bruce said to Jack: “I want to quit my job and start a business. Can you join me?”

Because Jack got married after graduation and now has a family to support, he dared not quit his job easily to start a business, so he declined.

At that moment, Bruce’s face changed, thinking that Jack disregarded friendship, and left angrily.

Jack thought that Bruce only cared about himself and did not consider his actual situation, and felt that he was very selfish.

The two had a quarrel over this, and they had less contact afterward.

There are always many unsatisfactory things in life, and everyone is like this.

Bruce has his own difficulties and hopes that Jack will start a business with him, but Jack also has his own practical situation to consider.

He just made the best choice that suits his current situation.

People must correctly estimate their own weight in this life and don’t think too highly of themselves.

After all, everyone has their own life, and it is impossible to take your feelings into consideration all the time.

Only by lowering your expectations of others can you avoid disappointment and gain good interpersonal relationships.

Therefore, in life, the best way to protect yourself is to never overestimate your weight in the hearts of others.

Mind Your Own Business

Let me tell you a story:

There is a little monkey in the forest, who has lived alone for many years.

One day, it went out to find food and encountered two squirrels fighting for a pine nut.

The little monkey was kind-hearted and tried to stop the fight, standing between the two squirrels. The squirrel behind him took the opportunity to run away.

The squirrel whose pine nut was stolen angrily scolded: “You can’t tell right from wrong. Why are you protecting the thief who stole my things?”

The little monkey felt very wronged. He was obviously kind-hearted, but he was not recognized.

In life, there are actually many such people who think they are reasonable, but they always deepen the contradictions invisibly.

While making others unhappy, they also put themselves in unnecessary trouble.

Especially for other people’s family affairs, it is best for outsiders not to interfere casually.

Uncle Li is such a person. He is very enthusiastic and can’t bear to see others quarreling.

When the couple in the neighbor’s house has a conflict, he always intervenes to stop the fight at the first time, trying to ease the relationship between the two.

At first, the couple calmed down and felt quite embarrassed;

After several times, Uncle Li was also involved in the dispute between the two people which even made the conflict more intense.

The ancients once said: “Distance does not separate relatives.

Don’t interfere in other people’s lives casually, even relatives are no exception.

When couples quarrel or have conflicts between relatives, it is best for others not to interfere casually to avoid being a nobody.

Especially when we don’t know the cause of the matter, we should not interfere casually.

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to not speak without thinking and not to interfere in right and wrong in dealing with people and things, and it is also a way of self-protection.

Stop loss in time

On the road of life, we cannot ensure that the road ahead will be smooth sailing.

It is wise to learn to stop losses.

When we find ourselves in an unfavorable situation, we need to learn to stop losses in time and not continue to fall into it.

Do not blindly insist, which will cause greater losses in the end.

Bill Gates once said:

“Don’t let a wrong decision ruin your entire life.”

If you meet a bad person, you should break off the relationship as soon as possible; if you encounter a bad thing, you should stop losses in time to avoid expanding the impact.

No matter what role you are in, you must respond calmly, make choices in time, and reduce your own losses, so as to protect yourself from greater harm.

Life is like a big classroom. Some people comprehend wisdom, and some people understand the principles of dealing with people.

Everyone is using their own way to protect themselves and avoid being hurt.

Only by protecting yourself can you better protect those around you.

It is our greatest responsibility to not let ourselves get hurt or make our families sad.

I hope everyone can build a solid line of defense for themselves to avoid being hurt.

Hi, I’m Lin. I write about living healthier and mindfully. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Lin). And, to have stories sent directly to you, click the link below.

