The Billionaire’s Guide to Creating Passion-Driven Success

Advice from Naveen Jain, founder of Moon Express and Viome

Shehraj Singh


Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur and billionaire who has founded multiple companies in the technology industry. He offers valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, drawing on his own experiences in predicting trends and finding success.

Naveen Jain With Elon Musk
Source: Naveen’s Instagram

I collaborated with Akshay Rajsheakaran, He was the one who did the interview with Naveen. We were able to gather 7 lessons from his interview/conversations.

Let’s Dive in…

1. Look at problems from outside of the industry’s perspective and challenge assumptions

Naveen predicted the rise of smartphone capabilities and the use of phones for payments, even when those things didn’t exist yet.

How did he do it?

By looking at problems from outside the industry’s perspective and challenging assumptions that experts take for granted. He also draws inspiration from science fiction, which allows us to imagine what is possible and then start making it a reality.

Science Fiction

Naveen is an advocate for reading and watching science fiction because it…

