The Biology of A Navy SEAL Is Only Half the Story

The other half is far more surprising

Andy Murphy


Photo by Lucho Morales on Unsplash

Biology changes, like everything else. But what’s surprising is that it has little to do with what makes a Navy SEAL a Navy SEAL.

Everyone knows that muscle strength builds and grows over time, for example, but character? Personality? Teamwork?

Those are some of the hidden qualities that are behind the success of the Navy SEALs but they rarely get the credit they deserve.

In short: They weren’t born successful, they worked (f*cking hard!) for it.

David Goggins

What David Goggin’s story shows us is that biology doesn’t define a Navy SEAL, but chemistry does.

He famously went from being over 300 pounds (150kg) to 200 pounds (50kg less) before failing the Navy SEAL hell week twice, occurring a stress fracture, contracting pneumonia, and fracturing his kneecap along the way, only to complete it on his third time around.

Maybe 3rd time lucky really is a thing?

Although something tells me that anyone that goes through hell week isn’t all that lucky after all…

From someone that was heavily overweight and rejected many times over to someone that has become one of the…

