Photo by Peter F. Wolf on Unsplash

The Bird and the Window

Evan May
Published in
Oct 25, 2020


This morning a sparrow taps my window
Trapped in open field and empty air
Imprisoned on the outside
Seeking entry to my home

And I am on the inside, coffee in hand with my foot
Rocking you in a monkey chair while your mom’s in bed
You bound tightly in your swaddle
And wrapped in my love

The flipside of the window contains the world
Where the bird flies and some cry freedom
With journeys into jail cells available, and some
Leaving home to find a home

But if freedom could be enclosed in walls
Given an address, personified in people
Then freedom has a residence here
It binds the three of us in love

Soon I’ll walk through the door
Trapped like the sparrow in open space
Imprisoned on the outside
Tapping the window until returning home



Evan May

Pastor | MABS, Reformed Theo. Seminary | @evan_may | | Husband to Rebekah, father of 3 | I write about theology, philosophy, and history.