The Bizarre Case of Gef, The Talking Mongoose

Whether a talking mongoose, a poltergeist, or an elaborate hoax, Gef, the mysterious “Dalby Spook” is one of the most fascinating characters in UK folklore.

Jupiter Grant
Published in
10 min readApr 15, 2021


A sketch of Gef, the Talking Mongoose, drawn by George Scott in 1936. (Public Domain)

In the Autumn of 1931 the Irving family, residents of a farmhouse at Doarlish Cashen on the Isle of Man, reported the presence of a strange mongoose-like creature that had begun to appear around and inside their home. The bizarre circumstances began when, according to the Irvings, the sound of scratching, rustling, and “vocal noises” were heard within the walls of the tiny farmhouse. Believing it to be a rodent infestation, they placed traps. However, no rodents were found, and the strange noises persisted, growing ever more disturbing. Trying to scare away whatever was causing the sounds, James, the Irving family patriarch, growled like a predator. Far from frightened, the creature growled back.

The Irving’s farmhouse was soon plagued by more growls, barks, hissing, and the crying of what sounded like a baby. As time progressed, it became apparent that whatever was responsible for the strange noises was a skilled mimic, able not only to imitate what it heard, but capable of learning and retaining. Soon the mysterious…



Jupiter Grant

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: Buy me a coffee here: