I’m Black But I Love Being White.

I’ve got black skin but I’m white. Tell me, how do you define black and white?

Davis Okioma
2 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

How do you define white and black? In the modern world, the definition of black and white isn't as simple as you think.

See, I grew up in Africa. Let me tell you what a day in my life is like. I get up quite early at around 5 Am and head out to the gym across the street. I’m inconsistent with the latter but it is what it is.

I get back home an hour later for a warm shower. I make my coffee and while having breakfast, I play my favorite playlist on Spotify. During this time, I check my emails and my socials.

Since I don’t work a day job, I request an Uber to Artcaffe in the city or head to Regus, a coworking space. I work on my startup and some Upwork coding gigs to raise enough for the bills and medical cover.

The thing is I’m not rich but I’m not poor either. I’ve always craved financial stability, and being learned, I got just that. My life is what anyone in their early 20s would want it to be.

But life in Africa is not all sunshine and roses. Over 25% of the city dwellers live below the global poverty line($1.90 per day). Most of these people live in the blighted areas. They are the ‘black’ community.

I wouldn’t blame the ‘black’ people for the crime rates in my city but like any other ‘white’ person, whenever I’m around their blocks I feel unsafe. I want to get home or the white side of town — the safer side.

Police brutality prevails on the ‘black’ sides of the city as is in the US where racial lines are drawn by skin color. We are left to think that our skin color and diverse races are the roots of racism.

But it’s not. It is only the rich and the poor. This is the Genesis.

The true line between white and black is defined and drawn by social-economic differences.

A great philosophist once said, “the wealthier you get, the whiter you become”.

There is a 99% chance that as educated as you have no idea who the philosopher is. What a waste. Just kidding, don’t beat yourself for it. I just made it up.

Well, as it is, I’m black but I’m not safe in the ‘dark’. But anyway, what do I know, I’m just the writer next door.

