The Book of Genesis

Seen Through New Testament Gospel Eyes

Roger Himes Esquire


Image courtesy of author

Genesis: Book 1 of the Old Testament

This message on Genesis is longer than most books
in this series of Old Testament messages.
This is because Genesis sets the stage for many things
in the books that follow after it.
If we miss things that happen in Genesis,
we may miss things that happen after Genesis.

Why God Created the World and Mankind

The reason God created the world and us was for relationship. God created human beings to have fellowship with, even though he knew we would be rebellious, sinful, and everything else imaginable.

This first book of the Old Testament starts out by telling us that God made all things GOOD, and that includes mankind. This is important.

There was nothing BAD in the world (except for a snake, that is). It was perfect fellowship and relationship between God, man and the animals, and mankind even had authority over ALL things.

We are also told several times: everything produced and generated ‘after its kind.’ This is also important. Mankind was made in the likeness of God, and was meant to think and live God’s thoughts, which were all GOOD.

Then There Was Trouble In River City



Roger Himes Esquire

Business and Constitution Lawyer / Gospel Life Coach / Author|Composer|Singer. FREE short flip-page book: “Live Life With Passion”: