The Borrowed Breathe

Life after lockdown in Singapore

Priyanka Srivastava


आज बाहर के रंगो को देखकर एक अलग सी घुटन
आज आज़ाद होकर भी एक अलग सी उलझन

image from Author

Now I am not worried that my hair has the texture of dried grass and my eyebrows have become bushy. Now I don’t miss the regular parlour appointment for a head massage or the foot reflexology.
Now my priorities are different. There should be a book to read, in the morning I should do one or two hours of writing followed by home chores, the evening is for a walk if I can manage.

In my home, I am happily settled like a stranger, each day I am learning to fall in love with the colours of the sky and the noise of the raindrops, the only guests I can attend at my home.

image from Author

This post is not about this strange life which I am living since the past few months, this post is about the outing which happened today.
Now that rules are being relaxed in Singapore today we went for grocery shopping and also had coffee at my favourite place but instead of being happy I was sad. I felt suffocated, I failed to recognize my city which reminds me of colours. Today it was bleak, there was no warmth. I felt I am in a box surviving on borrowed breathe.
I can’t think of travelling in this situation whenever we do, I missed my home and that freedom, for the first time I felt caged like a bird.



Priyanka Srivastava

Editor of Literary Impulse, Writer when I am free, Artist when my words are silent and reader when there are books which I love to read.