The Brain & The Heart — A Poem

Samantha D
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2024
Art by me.

In the theater of the soul, a tale unfolds,

Where mind and heart, their stories told.

In the crates of the mind, a sauce so sly,

Causing pain, a hurt, a clever lie.

An innocent trick, though not meant to harm,

The heart entangled, in the mind's charm.

Innocence dances in this intricate game,

As the heart embraces the mind’s clever flame.

Yet, pain may linger in the heart’s embrace,

A trick played out, a moment’s grace.

But behold the wisdom, deep within,

The heart’s sanctuary, where truths begin.

A force much stronger than the mind’s charade,

Prevails in moments witty tricks fade.

For the heart’s guidance, a beacon bright,

Shines through the shadows of the mind’s night.

In times of need, the mind will seek,

The wisdom of the heart, humble and meek.

The mind, entangled in its web so smart,

Turns to the heart for a fresh start.

Falsehoods and jests, once veiled in play,

Discover solace in the heart’s gentle sway.



Samantha D

Ad astra per aspera - Live to learn - Author of the book: Reflections [now available on Amazon]