The Break

Experiences of a relapse

Rayna Pummel
2 min readApr 15, 2022


Created By Author via Canva

I slipped into the silence but I didn’t mean to fall that deep.

The isolation stole my balance, I pushed away my accountability.

No one left to save me.

My pleas for help were silenced by a façade of responsibility.

Slowly but surely the old habits took hold of me.

Decomposition, enabled. Destination acquired, I began my downward spiraling.

At every toll bridge of regression I paid with a piece of me.

One value at a time I paid for passage to the insanity.

Character defects joined the trip as I traveled this old road again.

Accelerating my decomposition, acting as my armor, yet leaving bare my vulnerabilities.

Everyone was right, it did just sit around and wait,

As if me returning was the expectation, it was always going to happen.

My addicted destiny.

I finally made it to the gates, not a kind part of me left.

I looked up and saw the sign,

Welcome back to Rock Bottom!!!

If you got it, you’ve now lost it, you must have forgotten!

My jaw had dropped, the shock stilling my thoughts.

I looked around at the current citizens who once thought it was just going to be a vacation.

All their eyes glassy, completely unresponsive.

I look at them and remember.

They are lost in euphoria and I never should have came.

Realizing to late I made a mistake.

Someone took my hand leading me farther away.

I’m Rayna, a recovering alcoholic addict. I hope the words you read here are those that can inspire, stir emotion, and remind you to hold on to hope. Thank you as always for reading!

Here are a few more pieces by me if you feel so moved as to inquire.



Rayna Pummel

A Recovering Addict, Mother of 2, 27 year old ♒ This is my experience, strength, and truth about my journey to untangling my mind.