The Brownie that bridged hearts.

An ode friends who are meant to be

Akshita Kabra
5 min readOct 1, 2023


“Where’s your glass of wine?” Paige asked Audrey. “We have met after months and you promised we will celebrate!!”

“See, I am celebrating.” Audrey said.

“Duh! With lime juice? Why don’t you listen to me?” Paige sounded irritated.

“Because this is your second glass, I know its just about time for me to hear about the solar system. If I share wine with you, who will hear it then? I better be attentive no?” Audrey laughed heartily.

“Oh please. That’s not going to happen.”

“We will see!!”

Photo by The Nix Company on Unsplash

A few minutes later, Paige said, “Hey Aud, do you like Jupiter or Saturn?”

Audrey murmured, “ Now who’s talking?”.

She smiled and said, “ Jupiter!!”

“Because it is big and round right?”


Audrey gazed at Paige. She loved her childlike innocence.

Adulting couldn’t snatch that away from her.

Photo by Karina Carvalho on Unsplash

While Paige continued to speak about the solar system, Audrey got lost in thoughts.

3 years ago

It was a cold day on the 17th of January, 2020 in London. Audrey was walking on her favourite street, Brick Lane. She liked going there because it was photogenic, but she had a sweeter reason. Going to “Browny Brownies” and having her favourite chocolate brownies.

She thought to herself, “Audrey, its your birthday, and you deserve to gift yourself a box.”

She entered the shop and Jason, one of the baker identified her.

“ Ma’am, pleased to see you again. Should I pack the usual? A box of choco brownies?”

“Yes, please.”

“Albert, see that its done.”

“Sorry sir, the last box of choco brownies for today has just been bought by someone.”

“What?” Jason exclaimed.

“We’re so sorry ma’am. You are a valued customer of our bakery. Can we treat you with a complimentary box of hazelnut brownies for your birthday?”

“Thank you for your generosity Jason. But it would not be the same without the chocolate ones.”

“That’s the least we can do ma’am. I will just arrange it for you.”

Just then, Albert interrupted Jason.

“Sir, the lady who purchased the last box of choco brownies left it for Audrey ma’am. Here it is.”

Jason said, “ Looks like some stranger’s wishing you happy birthday.”

Audrey opened the box.

Inside it was a handwritten sticky note.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

“Sorry that I overheard your conversation with Jason. I think you need this more than I do. Happy birthday stranger. Hope this brings a smile on your face.”

Audrey smiled and thought, “So kind of her.”

She asked Jason, “Does she come here often?”

“Yes ma’am. Every Sunday.”


“See you again ma’am. Thank you.”

When they met.

Next Sunday, Audrey reached early at the bakery, eager to meet that stranger.

Half an hour later, she saw her entering through the door.

Audrey was excited, “Hey, hi!!”


“I’m Audrey. And you are?”


“I really wanted to thank you in person. What you did the other day, so kind of you. Can I treat you with some brownies in return?”

“Actually, I am in a bit of hurry.”

“It would just take a few minutes, please.”

“Okay. Sure.”

“Should I order the one with vanilla ice cream topped over it?”

“As you like it.”

Paige was an extreme introvert. She was kind at heart but opening up to people wasn’t her forte.

She quickly finished her half of the brownies.

“Thank you so much. It was nice meeting you, Audrey.”

Audrey sensed her awkwardness.

“Likewise, Paige. If you want to catch up again sometime, here’s my number.”



You just got a text message

Few days later, Audrey’s phone beeped. Text message from an unknown number.

“Hi, this is Paige. I wanted to apologise for that day. Sorry if it is too much information but I find it difficult to talk to new people. I had a bad day at office and didn’t care for your generosity. Sorry again.”

“I am not usually like that. Please don’t judge me.”

Audrey called her and said, “ If you want to share about what happened, I am here to listen. I swear to God I won’t judge you.”

There was silence for a bit.

Then, like a beautiful coincidence, Paige opened up on the phone.

One hour later, Paige said, “I can’t believe I have just met you in the past week. It felt like I was talking to someone I have known since decades.”

Audrey exclaimed, “Happy to hear that.”

She later got another text in the evening.

Image by Author


There are some friends that you find. And there are some who are just meant to be.

While the former may leave at some point, the latter enter your life at the right time.

And quite ironically, that new friendship understands things that sometimes even a decade old friendship cannot.

While Audrey was lost in flashback, Paige put a hand on her shoulder and asked, “Aud, do you know, the planet Saturn, its not single?”

Audrey said, “No I didn’t. How did you guess that?”

“Coz it got a ring on it.” And Paige burst into laughter.

“So lame ya.”

“Not everybody gets to hear it from me Aud. You’re privileged.”


Well, Audrey was privileged. Paige encouraged her to take risks. To be happy in the smallest of things. She was a pillar of moral support.

If anything, she was indeed grateful.

“Aud, could you please get me a bowl of hot ramen? I want to tell you about Mars.”

“Fine Paige. We’ll share it. And this time I am recording. I will be back in a jiffy. Just don’t pass out.”

“Kewls Aud. You’re cute.”

“Well, I am not so sure about that. But as far as this friendship is concerned, its cute.”


Do not sulk over the ones who left. Keep the ones who came. Close to your heart.❤

See you in the next one,


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