The Burden of Excess Wait…

Yvonne Palmer
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2020

How do we shed excess wait? As with most things acknowledging the problem is the first step. ? Are you surprised by your wait problem? It sneaks up on us, does it not? A little procrastination here, a little - it is not quite right, perfectionism- there. The noble need for a little more information. Or the worst of binges…waiting for the elusive perfect time. And we find ourselves trapped in the wait.

I find myself so often annoyed with…myself! What am I waiting on? I can spend so much time dreaming and planning and then, a little more time finding reasons to …wait. Waiting for and acquiring more information, more practice, a better time , a less hectic time, or the non existent- perfect time. The wait gets heavier and heavier, does it not? Should we not fear failing to try far more than trying and possibly failing? If we try at all, isn’t that a win? Most of us have heard many stories on how someone’s perceived failures led to or became their greatest moments. So if it is not our lack of knowledge, or lack of inspiration. What is it? Why do I , why do you, insist on continuing in this excess wait? We say we aren’t comfortable moving forward just yet, but are we truly comfortable sitting still? Waiting…and waiting…

Photo by Eleanor Carter on Unsplash

Think back to when you were a kid. Who had more fun at the pool? Those of us that tip toed in , ever so slowly, extending the coldness of that first entry? Or those brave exuberant ones that ran and took the plunge, in one full wholehearted leap? Didn’t we smile and envy them the whole time? Didn’t they ultimately have more fun time in the water?

History seldom records our intentions.

Let’s say worst case, we fail, whatever that happens to mean to us, isn’t that better than being stuck under the wait? I mean at least it shows we are alive, trying, and aiming for something. Our Intentions do not even show up on the radar. History seldom records our intentions. As I learn from others, one of the things that often becomes apparent is that, the rest of the story , theirs and ours, doesn’t continue to unfold, until we begin moving forward. We do not need more pathway ahead of us while while remain standing.

I don’t want to maintain my wait! I want something new. My guess is you do too. When we want something new in our lives, it always has a cost. The price of doing nothing is far higher. Even if we know without a shadow of a doubt you’re on the right path, you are 100 percent equipped and ready to go, it doesn’t mean it will be easy. we should expect setbacks, frustrations, and criticism, it is part of the journey. We cannot out wait these things!

Photo by Pranam Gurung on Unsplash

Let’s shed the excess wait by saying good bye to things like procrastination, perfectionism,and being easily deterred.

More action equals less wait!

Less wait gets you closer to_______?

I am interested in knowing how the wait keeps you from moving forward. Or better yet, how you have learned to get out from under it. Comment below and share your tips.



Yvonne Palmer

Oil Painter, sharing Art, Ponderings and Perspectives. Perspective, values and framing - important in art and thinking.