The Cain Heresy — the Saga Continues

Gippolito Ndp
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2021


Here’s Chapter Two of my long-delayed historical fiction

Photo by Lottie Griffiths on Unsplash

I incline to Cain’s heresy. I let my brother go to the devil in his own way — Gabriel Utterson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Saturday, January 31, 1976

Hall of the Great Chapel, Palais du Papes, Avignon, France

Jean Malterre finished his final security round of the Great Chapel exhibition, and headed for the doors leading to the stairs. He stopped for a minute and checked his watch, which showed him he had more than enough time for a cigarette before heading downstairs to admit his relief, Jacques.

He removed his sidearm and laid it on the table near the door, again thinking how stupid that regulation was, and unlocked and passed through the stairway door, relocking it behind him. On the landing he lit up a cigarette and took a long drag, throwing his head back a little and blowing the smoke upwards. Then the lights went out for him — his brain registered only the briefest of impressions of movement behind him before the lights blinked out.

He was only out for a moment, coming to as he was being hauled to his feet, a voice whispering in his ear in quite good French, with something of an odd accent, “That was just a love tap, and can be the last one instead of just the first. Just do as you’re told, and…



Gippolito Ndp

Dad, G-dad, veteran, semi-retired lawyer, archaeologist, writer