The Change is YOU

Change is the new constant

Divyata Dewan


It’s time for a change
Change is the new normal. Photo by hay s on Unsplash

Change? Changes in the relationship, in emotions, feelings, and the weather? I never thought I would be one of those who would accept changes in her life.

Yet, here I am, again in a new setting. New place, new environment with an expectation of becoming the new me. I moved provinces again, starting from BC -> ON -> AB with an expectation of believing in the power of creating what I like to see, feel and touch. What I want to see in myself, think of myself, and connect varied aspects of my life in many different ways. It is like a ripple effect. One change in me creates an impact within and around me. Isn’t it amusing to see the clouds above your head moving? Are you not amazed to experience how the wind changes its direction creating a varied magnitude of force? Nature teaches me so much to accept what comes in the way and grow from a moving stationary position. Who said the process is easy?

It brings along discomfort and breakdown of old living and working patterns. I am leaving behind the neighborhood, the people. Advancing ahead while carrying with me the memories wherever I go and reside. This time I live here, in the west part of Canada, AB. A little close to the sky horizon. A little closer to the stars and the sun. The sun shines in AB for nearly 333 days a year—a fun fact.



Divyata Dewan

I am a transformational coach and a lifelong learner. I practice mindfulness and my goal is to transform life states with my writings.