The Christian Church’s role in race relations today.

Mike Creef
Published in
6 min readSep 27, 2020


Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

Living in the Bible Belt of the United States(the southern and midwestern region where there’s more churches than Starbucks) as a bi-racial man over the past decade, I’ve gotten to see up close how the Christian Church has handled race relations in the past as well as the growing present-day tension. It’s no secret that our country has a problem when it comes to race and the equal treatment of all; we’ve always had this problem. Since our inception when black people were seen as three-fifths of a person and brown, indigenous folk were slaughtered for their land to today where the three simple words “black lives matter” can polarize a room the Church has been present and mostly silent, for it all. Slave ownership, genocide, lynchings, and mass shootings have all been carried out by people claiming to be a part of the Church calling themselves Christians.

So what responsibility does the Christian church have in speaking about these things?

Do they have a responsibility to at all?

Does an individual get to speak for an entire group when they claim a particular title?

These are all questions that I feel like should be thought about and discussed amongst those in the Christian community as well as…



Mike Creef

• Follower Of Jesus • Sports Fanatic • Fighter For Equality•