Poetry | Haiku

The Circle of Life = The Laws of Karma

What goes around always comes around, so make your choices carefully

Geetika Sethi
Published in
Oct 26, 2020


Credits- My iPhone Gallery Geetika Sethi

No need for revenge,
those who hurt you-will get screwed…
just sit back and wait.

’Coz what you put out,
comes back unexpectedly…
getting back at you.

For Karma’s a bitch,
you get served- what you deserve…
from Karma’s menu.

©️ Geetika Sethi, October 2020



Geetika Sethi

I believe in leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go. ✨Wife to 1, Mom to 3 and a Holistic Health Coach. Authoring books on Poetry, Quotes and Short Stories.