The Citizenship Test

Could any of the MAGA crew pass one?

William Mersey
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2020


Ehimetalor Akhere Unoabona — Unsplash

Known to the chosen few is a historical fact that ALEXANDER HAMILTON wanted the vote to be reserved for landowners only. His theory was that those who didn’t own any land (the rabble) wouldn’t know enough to venture an informed opinion on who should be elected to office.

I have a similar but more modern take on the subject. All US voters should have to pass a citizenship test in order to vote. Why would a country give such a precious right to a citizen who didn’t exercise his or her due diligence in this area?

I mean…this is a test each and every immigrant has to pass in order to become a citizen. You’d think that natural-born Americans could pass it with ease, right? Guess again. According to US News and World Report, 66% of us would fail! That’s not a very informed electorate!

I’ve taken a few sample citizenship tests on the internet over the years just for fun. And I always pass with flying colors. But I’m a student of American History and graduated from a major Midwestern university with honors. I’d be embarrassed to fail a citizenship test!

So I was on the phone with an old friend yesterday. I met John 30 years ago at a bar where a mutual acquaintance introduced us. “You guys should get along. You both drive a cab.” Well, I don’t know if…



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."