The Cold Hard Truth to Becoming a High Performer

3 lessons for career growth and fulfillment.

Rob Rando


Photo by Hannah Nicollet on Unsplash

Attitude is everything

Are you engaged in your work? Do you find that there are parts of the job that you like?

The answers to these questions can change based on the state we are in. If you find yourself thinking about ‘engagement’ after a particularly defeating day, you’ll probably feel disconnected. Like there has to be more to life.

Contrast that with a good day where you find flow and productivity. The answer to the questions on this day is going to lean toward higher engagement.

What’s the difference between these two days? Without knowing the details, we may assume that the first day involved putting out a bunch of fires. While the ‘good day’ might have been filled with positive feedback, and project completion. More likely though is that these two days were more similar than they were different.

The biggest difference between a good workday and a bad one is our attitude. There are contributing factors like, how we handle the unexpected or our confidence levels in solving the problems of the day. How we feel about our day is directly related to our perceived ability to handle challenges.

In 2018 an employee engagement survey from Gallup Inc. showed that only 34% of employed individuals consider themselves engaged with…



Rob Rando

I write about finding your niche and the discovery process •Insights from experts & Lessons from experience