
The Comforting Solace of Grief Depression Movies

7 films about grief depressed roles that have comforted me

Mark Hake
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2021


There must be something wrong with me. I really like watching movies about people who have deep grief and depression. These movies provide some form of solace that I still can’t understand.

I recently saw Robin Wright’s new movie, Land, about a woman who has lost everything. She decides to move away from everyone. The movie is about her journey. It is lonely and depressing, but still uplifting. I found comfort in it.

It made me think about other grief-depressed people in movies that made me feel better. I really cannot explain this. Maybe it‘s because I get a sort of vicarious experience in their grief. I don’t have to go through the loss causing the grief. But I still sort of experience the grief. But it’s more than that.

Something gives me comfort watching them have their grief. I think it might also be because I can understand it somehow. Maybe it’s because I can see how they deal with it and work things out. Or maybe, in a sick way, I wish I had their grief. That’s weird.

It made me think about other movies that have evoked the same experience. Here are some of those movies and the actors in the grief-depressed role.



Mark Hake

CFA, MBA, and former hedge fund manager and investment research firm owner. Email me at if you have writing/research projects.