The Coming Storm

Shameer Hasan
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2023

and it's an eventual renewal

Storm like phoenix the firebird
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

I have had a huge storm (financially speaking) blow through my life recently. My hot water heater broke down which is a 4000 dollar bill I was ill-prepared to take on at the moment.

Like many in today’s financial climate, this meant I went into debt. The debt I didn’t want nor desire. This was one storm out of many that have blown through my life over time.

When going through these storms, I felt sad, angry, and hurt. I went into to “why is this happening to me?”. I also said, “woe it's me”.

Not proud to admit that, but I did. My blood pressure shot through the roof. I had insomnia. Some of you may see yourselves in this situation. Others may wonder what the heck is, it’s only 4K in debt. I’m over 100K in debt, as long as you can make the monthly payments, you are fine.

You have a point, and ultimately I can handle this. However, emotions are rarely logical. Negative ones come faster than we can muster up positive ones. Positive emotions take work, negative ones come easily.

Positive emotions take work negative ones come easily.

See it took a lot of soul searching and a truckload of work on myself in order to “get over” the shock of the bill and start looking at things positively. Off course, a lot of credit goes to my wife Jassi.

She is one person that has gone through a truckload of hurt in her life and has become much stronger than she was even a few weeks ago. She has picked up her life twice and moved to become everyone’s stranger. She has thrived both times.

She inspires me to be stronger than I was yesterday. She has endured so much yet she always laughs. She is the hardest worker I know in this regard. She is also a positive force for those around her. She is also a giver. She feels amazing just giving compared to receiving.

The reason I mention her accomplishments is not just because of her character, but the lesson she has to teach. Every storm leads to renewal.

When you are going through them, you don’t see them. When you look back, you will see the amazing benefits you received in each storm. The last storm I went through before the most recent one is my moving my family to Calgary.

I used pretty much my whole saving and went to the edge of being bankrupt in order to achieve it. The reward? I get to live in a house that all of us love. We have amazing neighbours that you can’t easily find. I live in one of the most liveable cities in Canada.

The benefits that Alberta provides have a family-first focus, and a lower expenses type focus. This helps us live a better life and provides the kids with a beautiful atmosphere around us.

The storm leads to ease. This ease cannot come without the hardship right before. It is the way life works and it is the way we must always proceed. What a beautiful lesson for me to learn and be reminded of all the time.



Shameer Hasan

Software developer in Calgary with life experiences to share.