Member-only story
The Continuing And Unintentional Blandification Of Medium
Why an over-reliance on experts and safe content is a one way trip to boredomsville.
The Boost Programme’s rollout has had some interesting consequences. Ironically, for me at least, the place has been getting less interesting by the day. I’m getting served an increasing amount of pap in my ‘following’ feed, and Medium is throwing plenty of people at me I’ve zero interest in reading. At the same time, I have to go hunting off the beaten track for good content.
The Great Goddess Algorithmia must be unwell.
I’m also seeing a lot less debate across the board. I’m getting a lot less people showing up to tell me I’m a fuckwit. Now it’s people who already read me who show up to tell me I’m wrong.
Before this year began, I’d get a few randomers on every article I wrote popping up to disagree at various levels of irate. Sometimes the fun ones would stay. New people showing up now tend to already agree with the position I’ve taken. That’s worrying. It hasn’t always been this way.
I have to go elsewhere to look for discussions — but I’m not being fed any of the decent discussions. When I do get to find something I disagree with, I find myself as the lone dissenting voice in a sea of unfettered…