The Crazy Simple Way To Find Your Niche And Start Creating Online

You’ll slap your forehead when you see it

Jon Svec
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash


That word is everywhere.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of creating online, you’ve probably spent time thinking about your niche.

You’ve probably read some articles about it.

Maybe even bought a course.

But I’m about to tell you a secret about this buzzword.

It’s so simple you won’t believe it.

Give it two minutes and you’ll find out.

Why do you want to create online?

It might seem like I’m stalling.

But hear me out.

This question is absolutely critical.

Why are you doing this in the first place?

If the answer is to get rich, to achieve the “$10,000 per month” everyone seems to be shooting for, you can stop right here and go buy another course.

This secret I’m about to share won’t apply to you.


If you want to create online to find fulfillment around your greatest passion, to learn and to grow, to meet interesting people along the way, and to enjoy every minute of the process?

Read on.

Here it is

I told you it wouldn’t take long.

Here’s the secret to finding your niche:

Create around your favourite thing.

Full stop.

Not your favourite thing that can make money.

Not your favourite thing that you are already great at.

Just your favourite thing.


That’s the secret.

The only way

Simple, right?

But this to me is the only way forward.

Set the right goals, get into this for the right reason, and create around the thing you love the most.

Now you have your niche. That excuse is out of the way.

Time to get started.

