
The Crowd Will Probably Go Crazy

When Stupidity Finally Departs

P.G. Barnett
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2020


Political posturing usually ain’t my bag so this will probably be my first and last message of this kind. But I wonder how many people just like me have the same thoughts running through their minds about dear old number forty-five.

No, I can’t bring myself to speak his name so let’s just call him POTUS, among several other nicknames he’s been given of late.

Uh, Captain Clorox, immediately springs to mind. Or is that Captain Bone Spurs?

See, the problem with all of this isn’t just POTUS himself (although he’s most of the issue in a bigly kind of way) but rather this recurring and ignorantly toxic affiliation the entire GOP has with his stupidity.

So Captain Clorox suggests there may be a way to kill COVID by ingesting bleach products, and what does the GOP do? They downplay his idiotic comments and do the same damage spin they’ve been doing since he stumbled his way into the White House.

He didn’t mean actually do that they all say. He told us he was being sarcastic.

Sarcastic? Does the entire GOP (along with POTUS) not understand the meaning of sarcastic? Dear GOP and POTUS, here’s what sarcastic means straight from dictionary.com:



P.G. Barnett

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.