The Crypto Skeptic Scores Big

The first lesson: Money begets arrogance, and arrogance leads to a fall.

Andrew Johnston


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You remember me — I’m the guy who thinks that cryptocurrency is glorified financial scam, and yet spent over two years in the market as part of an exercise in endurance. I was trying to learn how to lose money with grace, and instead I ended up making some.

That was about six weeks ago — what’s happened since?

Once fortune turned in my favor, I had a plan as to what to do with that crypto account. You see, a certain payment processor (I won’t name names, but they rhyme with “Gray Gal” and they have one star on the BBB) stole some money from me and are refusing to return it. It’s not a lot, but it’s mine — I earned it by selling science fiction, and believe me, that is not an easy way to make a buck.

So the plan was to stay in the market until I’d made enough money to replace what was taken from me. The idea was to follow a pretty conservative strategy, leaving the money in Etherium with an occasional jump into a smaller coin when the…



Andrew Johnston

Writer of fiction, documentarian, currently stranded in Asia. Learn more at