The Cursed Emily Dickinson and Pokémon Crossover

Poetry and Anime Communities are out catching some Pokémon while rocking to Dickinson’s Poetry



Youtube Thumbnail by Il Neige

Poetry and Anime are both not everyone’s cup of tea. While Classic Poetry is preferred by those passionate about literature, writing, and poetic forms, Anime is something that people from every walk of life enjoy for different reasons like animation, story, or the appreciation for Japanese culture. Regardless of whether you’re interested in any of them, you would have definitely read some Emily Dickinson in school/college or watched Pokémon in your younger years.

Pokémon was introduced to some people when the Pokemon Go game went viral about four years ago, and the original show started getting more attention. Those of us who watched the show have had a connection with it ever since and know that it’s not easy to forget the very catchy theme song. I still find myself singing it when doing some chores in the house!

As for poetry, we’ve all read or heard of some famous Wordsworth, Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Frost, or Emily Dickinson's poems in school. But if you have not, either your English teacher or the syllabus might have sucked. Anyhow, the reason I’m talking about Anime and Poetry in the same story is because of this tweet that’s been going viral on…




I write because i’m aware of the power words have. I use mine to tell stories, rant on issues that bother me and turn my life and self into poetry.