The Dark day

Abhishek Nyati
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Abhishek Nyati

It was cloudy today. There was an inkling of the same when thundering began.

Especially hated these gloomy days. Nothing good came of days like this. No work, stuck at home, the feelings of dark engulfed. The future looked bleak. Not that the past was any good.

Thinking back it was days such as these that he received bad news. Grandfather, grandmother, great uncle, aunt, mother. It always had been days like this.

Maybe it was the mind playing tricks. Since historical times the dark and cloudy weather has been associated with doom and gloom. Never mind the romantic's misassociation of rain. It was all doom and gloom.

Finally mustered some energy to peek out the window through the blackout curtains. It looked as if the sun was trying to shine through the clouds. There was maybe some glimmer of hope for today.

And then the phone rang.



Abhishek Nyati

Just a curious guy who questions things as presented, with a medium now to write.