Life, Adoption

The day I may have met my dad

An epiphany moment

May More
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2021


Rose on a swing
Image by Goran Horvat from Pixabay

Not long ago I experienced an intense eureka moment, which led me to view someone I’d previously seen negatively, in a positive way. Preconceived ideas about him were eliminated and new ones, along with a memory, took their place. It was as if this person had re-entered my life, and I was seeing him afresh. My only regret was that I hadn’t joined the dots sooner.

But how to explain and let you feel a little of the emotion that took hold of me that day? That is the task I have given myself. Perhaps I should start at the beginning.


I was adopted as a baby in the late 1960s. During that time the authorities coerced thousands of women to give up their newborn children using religious and societal pressures. Once adopted, all links legally or otherwise were severed. I became part of another family and although I adored my new Mum, the woman who brought me up and taught me to be proud of who I am, I didn’t have the kind of childhood my birth-mum would have hoped I’d receive.

Turning twenty-one, I became curious. Some basic research led me to the Catholic Society.

After some primary contact with them and clarification about who I was, my file arrived in the post. It contained…



May More

Freelance Writer/Editor - Fiction & Personal Essays - Microcosm💜Lipstick & Powder💜 KTHT 💜 Cocktail Club pubs / Proud Mum / Like growing things, coffee & hens