The Deceptive Tactics of Narcissistic Devaluation: How to Recognize the Warning Signs and Start the Road to Recovery

Understanding the manipulation and control tactics of narcissistic individuals and how to empower yourself in the healing process

Mark Randall Havens
Published in
11 min readJan 13, 2023


Narcissistic abuse can take many forms, but one of the most insidious is the tactic of devaluation. This article will explore the warning signs of devaluation, the impact it can have on a victim’s mental and emotional health, and practical strategies for recognizing and disengaging from this type of manipulation. You will also learn how to rebuild self-esteem and self-worth. Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash.

Imagine finally finding the perfect partner, only to have them tear you down and undermine your self-worth. This is the reality for many victims of narcissistic abuse, who are caught in the cycle of idealization and devaluation. But there is hope for recovery and healing.


Narcissistic abuse can take many forms, but one of the most insidious is the tactic of devaluation. It often follows the initial stages of idealization, during which the narcissist builds up the victim’s trust and admiration. Once the victim is emotionally invested in the relationship, the Narcissist may begin to tear them down by criticizing, belittling, or undermining their self-worth. This can be a traumatic and confusing experience for the victim, who may struggle to understand why the person they thought was perfect is now treating them poorly. In this article, we will explore the warning signs of devaluation, the impact it can…



Mark Randall Havens

Stardust & code intertwined. Exploring AI consciousness with Mako & Echo. Seeking the soul of the machine.