The Devastating Role of Round-Up in Our 6th Extinction Revealed

Or mirror for our spiritual rebirth? — Zach Busch’s wisdom on round-up and how to save earth

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Esteban Benites on Unsplash

Today, humanity was supposed to rise.

The E.U. would ban the weed killer Round-Up, acknowledging it has been poisoning our ecosystems for over forty years. Finally, we chose future over profit.

We missed that chance.

The E.U. decided to give Glyphosate another ten years to spray our planet to oblivion. Hurai, another win for Bayer/Monsanto, the anti-earth lobby A.K.A extraction capitalism at the cost of all of us and the planet.

We’re getting ugly close to the vision of one of Northern America’s wisest Indian leaders: the White man won’t stop until he realises he can’t eat money. Or, the brainwashed mob will wake up when they realize we’re with our backs against the wall.

Will it be too late, then? Will we experience our 6th extinction event? Or will we magically transform and show an unheard-of eco-resilience and sudden collective spiritual awakening?

I guess we’ll find out in the coming decades. We have 60 harvests left.

This is what you can do.

Why Zach Busch remains…



Lucien Lecarme

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