The Difference Between Quitting And Giving Up Can Be Virtually Imperceptible

It all depends on how you perceive it

P.G. Barnett
The Top Shelf


How many times have you heard the idiom winners never quit and quitters never win? As a sport enthusiastic child growing up, it quickly became my mantra during those exhaustive two-a-day football practices in the grueling Texas heat.

Back in those days, I wasn’t one to quit, but I remember the day I gave up. You’re probably reading this right now wondering what the difference is. Although it may seem imperceptible at first glance, I’m here to tell you the difference can be huge.

You see, I loved sports: basketball, football, baseball, volleyball. If there was a ball involved, I was all over it and having a ball.

Sorry, I had to go there.

Anyway, as you ballers in this world know, to get better at all these “ball” games, you need concentration, determination and grit, and constant physical conditioning to get to various levels of competency.

At one point, I possessed a modicum of all four of the basic tenets.

Until I didn’t.

In my sophomore year in high school, I blew out my right knee during a Friday night football game. By blew out, I mean, severely tore my posterior and…



P.G. Barnett
The Top Shelf

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.