The DNC is Playing With The GOP Like They Are Their Father

Lord Dukes de Enfer
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2024


So be ready for the hammer to drop, hard.,_Calistoga,_California_(August_21,_2020)_02.jpg

Have you ever watched a house cat play with a mouse after it caught it? Its instinct is to catch the thing, but it was trained to eat cat food and with no fear of starvation the cat catches, then tortures the mouse until the cat gets bored.

The cat bats it from side to side, allowing the mouse to start to run only to be caught and beaten mercilessly. The whole thing is as “enhanced interrogation” as you see in the animal world

That however is how I see the DNC playing with the GOP and I for one, am enjoying the hell out of it. The GOP just keeps digging a deeper grave giving the surprise ending that much more impact.

Allow me to explain.

Right after Thanksgiving, Gavin Newsom called out Ron DeSantis to debate him. DeSantis agreed then the powers that be saw the trap and he decided not to.

It was the official end of Ron DeSantis’ run for the White House. No Republican could vote for “The pussy who wouldn’t debate the California guy”.

FOX, (believe it ir not, working to help bring down Trump, I’m not kidding) who had agreed to air the debate just gave Gavin Newson the 4 hours of prime time over two days to do the infomercial of all infomercials.



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler