The Doors

After 25 minutes and 143 pictures…

Göktuğ Okumuş
2 min readMar 15, 2021


Photo by Göktuğ Okumuş instagram

- Look, this one is perfect!

- You think so?

- Yeah, it’s matching my dress too. It will look amazing on my profile.

- Okay, let’s try!

They started to do a photo session in front of a door. After 25 minutes and 143 pictures, they finished and left.

- Jesus! I’m very bored with this situation. I can’t stand this anymore.

- Are you kidding me? I wish I’m in your place. Do you know how much passive smoking I’m doing?

- At least they are not doing weird poses in front of you. These fashion bloggers are killing me; they are doing 50 different poses with one dress and, you know what? They are changing in the street and continue to take pics. Recently they started to do videos too. It’s the worst thing ever; they are shooting that short videos in hours.

- You are talking like I’m not watching you 24 hours 7 day. I see all of this, and the people who take pics are taking those from my side. Sometimes their friends are waiting in front of me, drinking coffees, cigarettes, chatting, and I’m the one listening to everything, Smelling their cigarettes.

- As I told you, kid, I can’t do this anymore. When I was younger, when they bring me here for the first time, there was no phone in the world. People were admiring my beauty and moving on. In time, they re-built every house here, and you came with other regular doors like you, so I became even more special sometimes people were taking pics with their cameras but with the invention of mobile phones, oh my god! It was a revolution.

- Again this? You arrogant wood piece

- Hey! Watch your language.

- You and your specialty all the time. And your stupid complaints. Enough! I don’t want to see your face anymore. I hope they will change you soon and I will not see people are dancing to silly songs in front of your old, ugly face.

The old door became sad and stopped talking. The young door was angry, stopped talking too.

In the meantime, new people came to take pics. And another group started to wait their turn in front of the young door. It was the 23rd group since morning, the young door’s door eyes were bleeding because of the smoke, and the sun was very far from the west.

The song of the writing is; People Are Strange by The Doors.

PS; The story belongs to me. There is nothing related to the song.

