The Do’s of a Pleasing Personality 1

12 traits derived from Napoleon Hill’s “Success Habits”

Harrys Stratigakis


This piece is part 1 of the series “How to Get People to Like You”

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Napoleon Hill studied a lot about the principles of success and because of that, he learned a whole variety of other things that not only help in becoming successful in life but in leading a blissful one as well.

His infamous book, “Success Habits”, is a compiled footage of his radio speeches at Missouri in written form.

In two of his speeches, he analyzed in a very instructive way the 24 most important traits to cultivate to get regarded as a pleasing personality. In this part, we will cover the first 12.

1. Positive Mental Attitude

First and foremost on the list, having a positive mental attitude is a go-to tip for the rest to work out; and generally for everything in life to work out.

What we think we will attract its physical counterpart in our lives. Think of blessings and this will help you in living your life in a way that will return to you the equivalent of these.

A positive mental attitude is assisting you in deciding and acting in such a way that you will be able to see and grasp the opportunities out there and hence…



Harrys Stratigakis

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