The Dot That Taught Me the Power of Starting

Even the simplest ideas can lead to great things

Jenn C ✅️
3 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Nixx, Pexels

I love Roald Dahl’s books and The Berenstain Bears were amazing as well. As I grew older, I felt I should give up my love of these books. ‘I’m not a kid anymore’ I reasoned with myself. It never occurred to me until a lifetime later that my favorite childhood authors were adults who love kids’ stories too.

I don’t know why but I had it in my head that as a twenty-year-old I should be ‘mature’ and only read ‘serious’ books. But today, I found myself listening to a simple children’s story — The Dot by Peter H Reynolds.

Such a simple story. But it holds some profound lessons. Profound. I know it’s a big word, isn’t it? *hahaha* just think of that word as something really big that gets pushed off the top of a tall building. When it hits the ground below, it will make a great big hole.

The lessons from The Dot are simple. Can you guess what they might be? I’ll give you a hint. The first lesson is when Vashti, out of frustration, slams her pencil down on that blank piece of paper. That’s right, the lesson is ‘Just Start’. No one likes starting at Level 0. No one. But you have to start. No one can make you or help you or conquer those early days for you. Only you can decide that enough is enough.

Then you start.

You slam that pencil down. Your first step.

And the second lesson of The Dot. Come on, you almost have it. What is the second lesson of this simple story? That lesson starts after Vashti saw her first dot framed in gold above her art teacher’s desk. The very one her teacher said to just sign her name on. Your hint is the school art show. What can you see? That’s right. Vashti had drawn all types of dots. All her creative output came in all sorts of sizes, textures, and styles. Together they are her body of work.

No amount of coaching, online courses, and book reading will get you where you need to be if you don’t make that first dot and continue making dots. Close your eyes and just think. Try to see in your mind’s eye. Where do you want to be? What do you want to be known for? Who is around you? What do you eat on a typical day? What do you wear on a regular day? What does the air smell like?

Trippy by Julee Latimer (2023) : Painting Acrylic on Wood

Now open your eyes. Those feelings, smells, tastes are like your masterpiece. That amazing piece of art that Vashti was able to create only after she made dozens and dozens of other types of dots. That’s right her dot went from ⎡● ⎦ to Trippy by Julee Latimer level of dots. But you don’t get to the Masterpiece Level on day one. No one does.

You have to continue making dots. And once your vast collection of dots starts inspiring others. That’s when you know. You’ve come full circle. It is now your turn to say to others, ‘Please… sign it.’ It’s your turn to show support for those unsure about starting their first dot.

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