The Dummies Guide To Fitness

Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2024

Yes, I Am Talking To Me

Authors Own Image

Hey again, my friend,

I don’t know if you know this but I have struggled with weight for a fairly long time.

I was a fat kid with a fit mom.
Who’d tell me to stop these diets,
Eat everything in moderation, work out, and go for walks. Simple.

But that was not good enough for me.
I was busy over-complicating my problems looking for sexy solutions.

I blamed my broad bones, my “natural tendencies to gain weight” everything but the pizza I ate at 2 am or my lack of movement.

Adulthood came with the understanding, that Mom was right the whole time.

I lost weight, then gained it back, and then got fit again.

For this read, I thought of simplifying the weight game for you by sharing what worked for me…

Let’s not get heavy about the weight as we begin this quest.
Getting fit is a great pursuit, pursue it fully. Play.

  1. Eat your breakfast, like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner as a pauper.
    (Make dinner your lightest meal and have an early one)

Whatever your current dinner time is, try making it an hour earlier.

2. Water for weightloss.

We often munch when we’re bored.
And our hunger pans and mostly dehydration in disguise.

a) Drink 1L of water upon waking up

b) 500L, 20 mins before your meal

c) 500L, 20 mins after your meal

3. Chew your food 32 times. (My nani would tell me that)
Eat slowly (My mom tells me that) I get extra excited looking at food. Hihi.

These practices help you slow down and become mindful while eating.

4. Eat till you’re 80% full. The Japanese secret to a long life.
Ikigai talks about this too

5. Movement: Exercise!

This is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental well-being.
Also, this is not something you don’t already know.

But if you have not been consistent with it, try getting playful about it.

Grab a paper and pen for this one, I meant it…
C’mon now.

Ok now write a goal.
Because you can’t hit a target you won’t specify.

So specify.
Set a date. ______Starting 22nd April 2024

Now you, my friend will make time for this in your daily routine.
Getting fit is a process not an event.

Now specify:

Type of exercise: It could be
a) Dancing
b) Waking 5/7 days
c) Playing a sport 2/7 days
d) A 10 minute exercise video

Anything or a mix of all.

Now fix a time for this exercise and duration. For example.
At 7.30 pm a 45mins walk,
or at 10 am a 20mins Yoga video,
or at 5.30 pm football.

Specifying the action, the time, and the date, reduces decision fatigue.
Which makes the brain feel less lost and increases the chances of showing up.

6) Add mindfulness to the mix.
a) Start or end your day with gratitude. 2 mins

b) Listen to a guided meditation

Pro Tip: When you feel mediation is “Not working” that is a sign it is…
Now bring your attention to your breath and breathe.

Peace of mind = Peace “from” mind.

Make Sweat, Sunlight, and Silence your new best friend, my friend.

A quintessential component of happiness is progress.
Map your progress and enjoy the quest.

Life is not a spectator sport, play.
Get into the arena of getting fitter.

I don’t say this to oversimplify weight loss.
But to avoid over-complicating it.

I say this to accept simple solutions and to highlight
Simple is not easy.

But doing hard things is good for our core
and we’re hardcore.

Also if this excites you and you’d like some company.

Consider going paid and joining the 14-day challenge by signing up for my free newsletter I do a mix of HIIT(High-Intensity Interval Training ) and Yoga.

Alternating with cardio days.
Plus you get a mindfulness audio.




X Head Hunter, Yoga Life Coach, MCBT-Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy practitioner. DeCoded: All For Making You Healthier & Happier :)