The Easiest Way To Make a Sale

How to find the pain point of your audience

Andikan David
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

It’s the most important part of your business.

When building your business, you must understand they your sales are the heart of your business. If the system you use in making sales is faulty, chances are you won’t be in business very long.

Most people make the mistake of finding different problems of their audience and try to find solutions to all those problems.
Every target audience you meet has a set of problems. But just because they have a problem doesn't mean they'll buy it. They'll only buy something that they consider a real pain.

My Startup idea

When I was thinking of ideas for my startup, I considered many ideas. I thought about a transport system for students to use and go to school, I thought about some sort of housing project that could create affordable housing for students.

The truth was that all of these were serious problems the students had but not all of them were considered a pain.

I did my research and then settled to solve the problem of understanding their courses.
So I created a platform where Students in my college could better understand their courses.

The same thing applies to an online business. Instead of just randomly giving a solution to a problem, find out how important that problem is to your target audience.

On a hierarchy of problems, people have the one they consider to be more serious.

The Pain Point

For example. As a writer which one is a more serious pain point
Getting more audience or making money writing?

Both of these are problems but making money is the more important problem.

When selling to an audience, do your research, list the hierarchy of problems your audience has, and then provide a solution to just that problem.

Ignore every other problem and then niche down to solving just one problem.
Doing this will make you considered an expert in the eyes of your customer because instead of just writing everything, you're writing about a specific problem and providing solutions to just that problem.


Finding the point and providing a solution to it isn’t all. You need to begin creating free content that solves that particular pain.

Doing this, you position yourself as an authority and then when you have a paid product, it is easier for people to buy from you.

When you give people really valuable content to solve one problem, they are under pressure to buy your paid product because you've proven that you know the problem they have and you have a tangible solution to it.

You stand a bigger chance of selling to your audience when you solve just one of their problems and then market that solution.
Find a niche and then find a single problem of the audience in that niche and solve it.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️