The Easy and Highly Unethical Way to Get Traffic on Medium

You see it all the time

Aure's Notes


Photo by Tom Roberts on Unsplash

After writing for a while on Medium and getting a few viral articles, one common thing stood out as a guaranteed “traffic driver”.


If you want people to read your stories and make a lot of money in the process, all you need is to write about the most divisive issues in the English-speaking world.

I’ll give you a few to get started.

  • Vaccines
  • Climate Change
  • Everything related to race, and gender
  • Generalization of men and women

These topics are guaranteed to create outrage in the title which will subsequently lead people to click on the article.

There are two types of readers that will click.

  1. Those that agree with you and are desperate to get their feelings validated.
  2. Those that do not get a dopamine hike for getting angry.

Medium = Facebook

Medium and Facebook aren’t too different from one another in the way they work and earn money.

Consider the following:

  • Both platforms benefit from maximizing the time…



Aure's Notes

2X Msc in pol. science and business econ. Summarized +100 books. 25k people read From Belgium. No niche.