The Easy Way to Hit 1K words!

Because A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words



Photo by Daniel Frank on Unsplash

Everyone has heard the famous quote:

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Photographers and artists make a living out of it. Brilliant advertisers use them to lure their audiences. Paintings have inspired people for ages and cartoonists have catalyzed change, simply with a few clever strokes.

There is no denying that a captivating image can invoke emotions, and spur us to action.

But what if writers used this tried and tested method to kickstart our writing tasks?

What if we spun the old adage to not only get more eyeballs on our craft but also for beginning the process of creating itself?

What if we used pictures to come up with new ideas?

Content generation is a game of consistency. There are never too many sources of inspiration and muses. The art of writing is undoubtedly easier with founts that help unleash the flow of words like falling snowflakes in a midwestern February snowstorm.

And what better than a technique that literally promises not one or two or hundred but a thousand words!

Using Pictures to Spark Ideas




Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.