Laughing While Dying

Aylin Saatlou
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2024
Photo by Joan Torruella on Unsplash

This is a true story that happened to me when I was fourteen years old. My family and I had taken a trip to visit my grandfather, and we decided to go swimming in the sea on a bright summer day. I was feeling confident as I had taken swimming lessons when I was younger, but little did I know that my past fears were about to catch up with me.

When I was a child, I used to play a game that involved sharks. It was a game of survival, where the diver had to collect sharks. If they failed, they would get eaten alive! As you can imagine, this game had traumatized me, and I was now overly afraid of sharks. So, when I decided to swim farther from the shore and get close to the safety rope, my past fears suddenly resurfaced, and I started to panic.

I struggled to swim back to the beach and called for help, but instead of calling out, I started nervously laughing. I waved my hand, hoping my family would notice me, but no one seemed to understand what was happening. However, my grandfather finally realized that something was amiss and tried to swim towards me. But it was too late; I was already drowning.

Luckily, another man nearby noticed my grandfather’s distress and rushed to my rescue. He pulled me back to the shore, and everyone was shocked by what had happened. It turned out that I had been drowning, but my nervous laughter had confused everyone. I learned a valuable lesson that day and promised myself to control my laughter better in the future.

Photo by Helio Dilolwa on Unsplash

It is not always easy. There have been times in class when I made a joke, and I struggled to contain my laughter until the teacher called me out. And then there was the time when I accidentally shattered a glass, and instead of cleaning up the mess, I started laughing hysterically. Their timing is always inconvenient, but I still find these bouts of laughter amusing.

Thank you for reading my story.

I wish you all the best, Take care.

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