The Elder

He Who Looked To The Light

Cinis Viatorem
2 min readDec 28, 2021


I encountered an elder unlike the rest today. He seemed deep in thought as he stood upon the very edge of a steep cliff. As soon as I saw him, I began to make my way over to him. For some reason I was intrigued and worried by him, the way he stood without moving a muscle, gazing into the night sky. Almost as if he intended to leap into the darkness.

I approached him slowly, knowing startling him would surely mean his end, given his closeness to the edge. I made my steps as audible as I could, but he did not turn around. Once I was a bit closer to him, I called out to him softly. he did not turn around. Finally, once I was within arm’s length of him I laid a hand on his shoulder. Instantly began to fall forward off the edge of the cliff. I stuck both arms out to catch him, but he never fell into them.

A hearty laugh was coming from the man, and I released the breath that had been stuck in my lungs as I realized I had been fooled. Frustration began to build within me, and I asked him why he thought that was funny. He kept laughing away without turning around to look at me.

He nonchalantly told me I wouldn’t have cared if he fell anyway. That no one would have. Before I could reassure him that I would, he asked me why I was Interrupting his sunset. I realized that the man was merely waiting to watch the sunset, which was nearly upon us. He asked me what brought me here, and I answered that I wanted to be sure of his safety. His response was interesting to say the least.

“You are an honest man, but only to those other than yourself. Oh, the peril of a man who believes so deeply in his falsehoods. The truth lies deeper within. somewhere within the depths of the human heart. Most who travel to those depths never return. Whose soul did you really come here to save? Who among you is pure of heart and intention? It remains to be seen. But regardless you should have seen the look on your face. leave me now, for the light approaches.”

Just as he finished his sentence, a ray of light pierced the night sky and caused me to wince and turn away. I noticed that the man had not moved his face away from the sun’s rays. I turned and left, but as I did so I pondered on what he meant by the look on my face.

Not once had he turned around to see it.



Cinis Viatorem

Who are you? No who are you really? Hmm…Are you sure? Well, maybe we’ll find out next time you become someone else. Or maybe its me thats changed? Maybe…