The Elegant Anatomy of a Copywriting Offer

When your offer sells itself, you don’t have to.

P.S.P. French


Federico Bottos on Unsplash

There are now over 4 billion people with the internet.

Half of them have bought goods or services online. If you’re building a copywriting business from scratch, you need an offer that appeals to about three of them.

First, what is NOT an offer?

$40 an hour for your services is not an offer.

“Can I help you with anything?” is not an offer.

Yesterday, someone who is at the beginning of their journey messaged me and asked, very politely, if they could help me with my copywriting business.

But there’s a problem here.

It puts the burden on me to think about what needs to be done. The answer, by the way, is nothing right now. I am a happy company of one.

But when you’re selling your services out there in wild, the easier it is for the prospect to say yes, the better.

And the easiest way for them to say yes….

Is if they don’t even have to think about it!

That’s a proper copywriting offer.

An offer they can’t refuse, as Don Corleone would say.

