The Empty Suit

The Forgotten Happiness of Childhood

3 min readJul 7, 2024


Photo by Thirdman from

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Malav who lived a life filled with boundless wonder and merriment. He spent his days exploring the world around him, his imagination soaring like a kite in the sky. The laughter of his friends echoed through the neighborhood, and his heart overflowed with contentment.

At the age of eight, Malav was a whirlwind of boundless energy, his world a canvas painted with the colors of a carefree childhood. He built castles in the sand, chased butterflies with the sun on his shoulders, and fell asleep to the lullaby of crickets humming in the night. He cherished the simple pleasures of a warm chocolate chip cookie, a good book, and the unbridled joy of spending a day with his friends.

Then came the world of adulthood.

Malav entered the workforce, where he encountered a world vastly different from his childhood. The pressures of deadlines, the complexities of human interactions, and the weight of expectations began to burden his spirit.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

With each passing day, he found himself trapped in a cycle of busyness and worry. Consumed by his responsibilities, he neglected the simple pleasures that once brought him joy. The laughter that once filled his life faded into a distant echo, replaced by a constant buzz of stress and anxiety.

His evenings blurred with paperwork and emails, and his weekends were dictated by career demands. He became a machine, running on autopilot, fueled by ambition and a fear of failure.

As the years turned into decades, Malav realized he had forgotten how to live happily. The carefree spirit of his childhood had vanished, leaving a weary soul burdened by the world’s weight. He yearned to rediscover the joy and wonder that once defined his life but felt lost and directionless.

One day, gazing at the reflection of a weary stranger in his bathroom mirror, Malav felt a pang of sorrow. He hadn’t laughed in days, his heart weighed heavy in his chest. Longing for the simplicity of his childhood, he sought the days when happiness was a constant companion. But the path back to that carefree state seemed lost in the labyrinth of adult life.

That night, he took a walk in the park, the familiar scents reminding him of carefree afternoons. Watching children play, their laughter echoing through the air, sparked a flicker of recognition in his heart. He remembered how to laugh, how to let go, and how to find joy in simple pleasures.

Slowly, Malav reintroduced these joys into his life. He walked in the park, appreciated nature’s beauty, read stories that transported him to other worlds, and indulged in simple pleasures like a cup of tea or a good conversation.

Despite the demands of adulthood, he weaved childhood happiness into his life, learning to laugh again, find joy in the everyday, and embrace the present moment.

The man who forgot how to smile rediscovered the joy of living, realizing that happiness was a journey, a choice made every day.

In the tapestry of life, childhood is often depicted with vibrant hues of joy, laughter, and innocence. As we transition from those carefree days into adulthood, the familiar world transforms into a maze of challenges, responsibilities, and expectations. Amidst this whirlwind, we often lose touch with the essence of true happiness.

Just like Malav, we all should embark on a new journey, one that will be filled with the same wonder, joy, and contentment we had experienced as a child. We should learn to embrace the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of simplicity, and to live life with an open heart. And as Malav did, he found that the lost happiness of his childhood had been waiting for him all along.

Thank you for your time!

— Jaral




I am an author and currently avoiding writing. I love reading, binge-watching TV, and drinking—I don't know how many cups of coffee.