The Energy Equation:

Tom Maccormick
Published in
7 min readAug 16, 2024

Why Managing Your Energy, Not Your Time, Is the Key to Success

In a world obsessed with productivity, we’ve all been taught to focus on one thing: time management.

We create to-do lists, set deadlines, and try to squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of our day. But despite our best efforts, something still feels off.

We’re constantly racing against the clock, yet we never seem to have enough time.

So, what if the problem isn’t how we manage our time, but how we manage our energy?

Welcome to the concept of the Energy Equation — a powerful shift in thinking that redefines how we approach success in our professional and personal lives. Instead of trying to control the ticking clock, it’s time to focus on managing our most vital resource: energy.

Why Time Management Alone Isn’t Enough

Imagine you’re a high-performance car, built for speed and endurance. You’ve got the best tires, a powerful engine, and a sleek design. But no matter how well you manage the road ahead — choosing the best routes, avoiding obstacles — if you don’t have enough fuel, you’re not going anywhere. The same principle applies to your work life. You can manage your time down to the minute, but if you’re running on empty, you won’t be able to perform at your best.

Time is finite — there are only 24 hours in a day. But energy, on the other hand, can be expanded, renewed, and optimized. This is where the Energy Equation comes into play. It’s not about squeezing more tasks into your day; it’s about maximizing the energy you have to tackle those tasks effectively.

The Four Dimensions of Energy Management

The concept of energy management isn’t new. It’s been at the heart of athletic training for decades. But it wasn’t until Dr. Jim Loehr and Dr. Jack Groppel introduced the Corporate Athlete model that the idea was applied to the business world.

The Energy Equation focuses on managing energy across four key dimensions: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Let’s break down each dimension:

  1. Physical Energy — The Foundation of Performance: Physical energy is the cornerstone of all other forms of energy. Without it, you can’t function effectively. This dimension is about fueling your body with the right nutrition, maintaining regular exercise, and ensuring you get enough rest. It’s like keeping that high-performance car well-maintained and full of fuel. When your body is strong and healthy, you have the stamina to take on the challenges of the day.
  2. Emotional Energy — The Power of Positivity: Emotional energy is about maintaining a positive outlook and managing stress. It’s the emotional fuel that keeps you motivated and resilient in the face of adversity. Think of it as the car’s engine — if it’s well-tuned, you’ll run smoothly, even on rough roads. Cultivating positive relationships, practicing gratitude, and managing stress through mindfulness can all boost your emotional energy.
  3. Mental Energy — The Focus Factor: Mental energy is your ability to concentrate, think critically, and solve problems. It’s the navigation system that keeps you on track, ensuring you don’t waste time or energy on detours. This dimension involves setting clear goals, practicing time management, and engaging in activities that challenge your mind. When your mental energy is high, you can stay focused and productive, even in the most demanding situations.
  4. Spiritual Energy — The Drive for Purpose: Spiritual energy is the sense of purpose that drives everything you do. It’s the deeper motivation that fuels your passion and commitment. Without a sense of purpose, even the most efficient use of time and energy can feel meaningless. This dimension is about aligning your work with your core values and beliefs, ensuring that what you do is in harmony with who you are. When your spiritual energy is high, you’re not just working — you’re thriving.

Real-World Applications: The Power of the Energy Equation

Let’s look at how the Energy Equation plays out in real life. Take the example of Novak Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Djokovic is known not just for his physical prowess on the court, but for his holistic approach to energy management. Beyond rigorous physical training, Djokovic places a strong emphasis on mental focus, emotional stability, his faith, and a deep sense of purpose. He practices mindfulness, maintains a strict diet, and aligns his career with his values. This comprehensive approach has helped him maintain peak performance, even under the most intense pressure.

Another example comes from the business world. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, learned the hard way that time management alone wasn’t enough to sustain his demanding role. In the early days of Amazon, Bezos worked around the clock, driven by his ambition to build a global empire. But as the demands on his time grew, so did the strain on his health and well-being. It wasn’t until Bezos shifted his focus to energy management — prioritizing sleep, nutrition, and exercise — that he was able to maintain the stamina needed to lead Amazon through its rapid growth.

My Journey with the Energy Equation: From Burnout to Balance

My journey with the Energy Equation began long before I knew there was a name for it. After years of dedicating my career to coaching high achievers and helping them reclaim their health and fitness, I found myself facing the same challenges my clients did. Running my own gym was a dream come true — a place where I could make a tangible impact on people’s lives. But it also came with its own set of demands.

In the early days, I was all in. My passion for helping others and the drive to build a successful business meant that I worked around the clock. Early mornings, late nights, and endless days became the norm. I was the epitome of the Overwhelmed Striver, constantly pushing myself to do more, to be more. But as time went on, I started to feel the strain. The physical exhaustion was undeniable, but it was the mental and emotional fatigue that caught me off guard.

I realized that despite my expertise in health and fitness, I wasn’t practicing what I preached. My energy was being depleted faster than I could replenish it, and the toll it was taking on my well-being was becoming impossible to ignore. It was then that I began to understand the importance of managing not just my time, but my energy across all dimensions — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

I started to apply the principles of the Energy Equation to my own life. I had always prioritized regular exercise but I had let other areas slip. I began to make sleep and nutrition non-negotiables, understanding that my physical energy was the foundation of everything else. But I didn’t stop there. I began to practice mindfulness, to cultivate a positive emotional state, and to reconnect with the purpose that had led me to this career in the first place. I used box-breathing to help manage stress and wrote a gratitude journal each night before bed.

The transformation was gradual but it was also profound. As I regained control of my energy, I found that I was able to give more to my clients, to my business, and to myself — without burning out. This experience reinforced my belief in the power of the Energy Equation, not just as a concept, but as a crucial practice for anyone striving for success in a demanding world. It’s why I’m so passionate about helping others master this equation, so they too can achieve their goals without sacrificing their well-being.

The lesson here is clear: by focusing on the Energy Equation, you can achieve more with less. It’s not about how many hours you work — it’s about how effectively you use your energy in those hours.

Practical Steps to Apply the Energy Equation

So, how can you start applying the Energy Equation in your own life? Here are some practical steps to get you started:

  1. Assess Your Energy Levels: Take stock of how you feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Are there areas where you’re running low on energy? Identifying these gaps is the first step to improving them.
  2. Prioritize Physical Health: Make regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep non-negotiables in your daily routine. Remember, your body is the foundation of all other forms of energy.
  3. Manage Emotional Energy: Practice stress management techniques, such as mindfulness or meditation. Cultivate positive relationships and take time to engage in activities that bring you joy. A positive emotional state can significantly boost your overall energy.
  4. Sharpen Your Mental Focus: Set clear, achievable goals and break them down into actionable steps. Engage in activities that challenge your mind, such as reading, puzzles, or learning new skills. Staying mentally sharp will help you stay productive and creative.
  5. Align with Your Purpose: Reflect on your core values and how they align with your work. Seek out projects and opportunities that resonate with your sense of purpose. When you’re connected to a deeper mission, your work becomes more meaningful and energizing.

Redefining Success Through the Energy Equation

The Energy Equation challenges the traditional notion of success. It’s not about how much time you spend working — it’s about how effectively you manage your energy across all dimensions of your life. By adopting this approach, you’re not just setting yourself up for professional success — you’re ensuring that your success is sustainable, fulfilling, and aligned with who you truly are.

So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by a busy schedule, take a step back. Ask yourself: Am I managing my energy effectively? The answer to that question could be the key to unlocking your full potential.

In the end, it’s not about how much you can do in a day — it’s about how well you can do it, day after day, with energy, passion, and purpose to spare.



Tom Maccormick

Executive Health Coach | Helping You Achieve Peak Performance Professionally, Physically, and Personally Without Sacrificing Well-being.