The Exclusive Roast Algorithm Definitively Demonstrates the Other Algorithm is in Control

Hello? This is satire!!

Charles H. Roast


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Something is very wrong in Mediumsville.

Check out this masterful analysis of statistics from my recent popular story,

Using proprietary and state of the art graphics tools I developed overnight by using my big brain, I have conducted an analysis of the statistics from my recent story above. Here is the extensive chart I spent hours developing:

As you can see from the above well-designed graphic, this story has made no money. By my calculations, based on the number of views this story has had, it should have earned at least 12 cents.

Further analysis indicates that the number of reads may have been too high for the simple algorithm Medium uses to calculate average reading time. I have discovered this defect through intense and…



Charles H. Roast

The “real” me, released into the wild, unashamedly blunt, politically incorrect, brutally honest(in a nice way), funny, and still lovable. And still anonymous.